123Movies is one of the top-rated piracy websites which provides all the latest movies and TV shows for free. The website is quite famous among users for its slick user interface and ease of usage. All the latest movies are uploaded quite frequently and often is released before the official release.
123Movies has faced some serious legal issues in its lifetime but has still survived to tell the tale.
Movies are a great source of entertainment, but reasonably often we find ourselves not having the time to visit and enjoy the movie in theatres. 123Movies offers a convenient way to enjoy movies on any of your devices minus the hassle to go to the theatre, and it’s free.
How to access and surf:
To surf 123movies effectively, first, you need to install a VPN like Surfshark to access the mirrors. Having an antivirus could help you from malware attacks.
Step 1, You need to have decent data – optimally, high-speed broadband connection to stream the contents hassle-free.
Step 2, Install VPN and activate it by creating an account.
Step 3, Go to Google and search for 123movies.
Step 4, Look for a trustworthy 123Movies website to visit that doesn’t have any suspicious popups.
Step 5, Check out if the creation of an account or payment is required in order to stream. If positive, get out of there and check other links. Do not provide your credit card information or create an account with the same email or password as your banking website.
Step 6, On the home page, there should be a search bar in the middle. You can search for your favorite movies or TV shows from here. There are hundreds of movies and TV Shows available for you to choose from.
Step 7, On every page, there should be three options available for you – Home, Movies, and TV-Shows. Choose accordingly.
Step 8, On the Movies or TV-Shows page, you can select any of the listed content just by clicking on the thumbnails and waiting for it to play, or you can search for your favorite movie or show from the search bar situated at the upper right-hand side.
Step 9, If you prefer any particular genre, the options should be at the bottom of the page with disclaimers and copyright information.
step 10, Stay safe while surfing 123Movies, and don’t accidentally click on anything shady. Do not let the site download or install anything automatically and don’t give any unnecessary permissions.
Step 11, You can also download movies for free from 123Movies. In the playback window, look for a button that says “download”. Clicking on it should be enough. Options for preferred quality could be available depending on the content.
The contents on 123movies are mostly unlawful. Even if you enjoy streaming for free, consider supporting the filmmakers by going to the theatre once in a while. The experience in the theatres is distinctive from watching the same content on your mobile or laptop.
We do not encourage streaming or downloading illegal contents from 123Movies.