In unconventional times where many people are changing lifestyles, including going to school and working remotely, more people than ever are reporting struggles with their mental health. In fact, depression rates are up for all age groups. For teens, in particular, mental health struggles are being aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, feelings of isolation, and canceled milestone events. While mental health can suffer for any teenager during this critical period of life, young adults are struggling more than ever due to the pandemic. If your adolescent is experiencing a mental health issue, they are far from alone. Read on to learn more about ways to get a therapist, how a treatment center might help, and how you can help them with their mental illness, behavior challenges, or symptoms of depression during these difficult times.
Aggravating Factors
No two teenagers, their life experiences, or their physical chemistry make-ups are precisely the same. While all teenagers share hormonal changes due to puberty, every adolescent experiences their teen years differently. While this challenging developmental period can trigger mental health issues for anyone, being a teenager doesn’t mean a mental struggle is more likely than it might be for other age groups.
However, circumstances around the pandemic have aggravated the typical teenage experience and caused many teens to exhibit signs of depression due to isolation, canceled events, and missed milestones. The good news is that there are some fantastic options for teenagers who are hurting. Fortunately, mental health treatment for teens can be accessed in a number of ways, including individual therapy, online therapy, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and a combination of treatment types as well as group therapy. Many teens and their parents see mood improvements by accessing these options and working through the complex challenges teens face in these uncertain times.
Talking to Your Teen
If you notice your teen is struggling, it’s a good idea to talk to them about their symptoms and have an honest conversation about triggers and options. In normalizing mental health issues as part of the teen experience and something that impacts all age groups, you’ll be telling your teenager they aren’t alone.
Many parents have good luck in being receptive to transparent conversations with their teenagers. While some teens may be resistant to talking about honest feelings and situations with adults, the more patient you are, the more likely your teenager will reach out. When in doubt, remind your child you love and support them no matter what.
Reaching Out for Help
As stated, there are many resources out there when it comes to getting help for your teen. After having an honest conversation with your child, don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor to determine what level of treatment they may need. If your teen is receptive, allow them to make decisions around the kind of help they believe will work best for them. In giving your teenager the ability to make choices around their mental health, you’ll be empowering them and showing that you trust them.
In the end, mental health issues can pop up during puberty in even the best of times. Most people begin to have mental health problems as young adults if they’re predisposed to them. However, because of the pandemic, young people are having a more challenging time than usual. It’s a good idea to reach out for professional help if you sense that your adolescent has problems with mental health or has a mental health condition aggravated by the pandemic. In paying attention to your child’s symptoms and connecting them with a qualified psychologist or therapist, you’ll be helping them to feel less alone.