Life-changing wishes have an enormous impact on the lives of critically ill children and their loved ones. has been transforming lives through granting wishes for 40+ years now. A granted wish has proven to have a positive influence on the emotional wellbeing of a child. A good example is Robert. In this article you can read more about the impact of granted wishes on children like Robert.
The impact of granting a wish
Let’s talk about the impact of granting a wish for a child with a life-threatening condition. Research has shown that the children and their families felt that the granted wish has inspired them to broaden their horizons. The experience allowed them to focus on what is possible, rather than what is not.
Wish children have told wish-granters that they felt more confident and courageous during their medical treatment following their wish.
As special wish-granters of Make-A-Wish take care of the planning and organization of each wish journey, parents get to focus on just being parents.
Robert’s wish to fly
Robert, who is 11 years old, had been living with a life-threatening illness for some time. He had always dreamed of flying through the sky in a hot-air balloon. Make-A-Wish granted his wish in spectacular fashion.
Robert, his whole family, and his friends were picked up by a limousine. Shortly after they arrived in the forest, they started to gather some wood. Following a demonstration by a fire-professional, they got to try for themselves. Robert’s eyes soon lit up when the flames appeared in front of him. He had built his own fire!
The fun wasn’t over just yet. In the forest there were 8 amazing courses laid out. Climbing, biking, and ziplining through the trees of the forest. Robert’s eyes did not stop twinkling that day.
There was one more surprise for Robert. When he realized the present contained gift certificates for a hot-air balloon ride, his exhaustion from the day was immediately replaced by joy and astonishment. Together with his loved ones he had the best day he could have possibly imagined.
Make-A-Wish leadership
Make-A-Wish believes in making the seemingly impossible, possible. For children like Robert, a wish journey is a beacon of light. A child gets to spend quality time with their family, without focussing on their troubles. This is what Make-A-Wish leadership is all about.
But Make-A-Wish cannot do it alone. Behind a wish journey stands the support of volunteers, local partners, corporate sponsors and donors. Give strength and hope to children like Robert, and donate today.