In 2021, WhatsApp continues to be the most used messaging application in the world. Given the boom in use, the need arises to clone WhatsApp in different devices due to protection for children, surveillance of couples under suspicion, surveillance for good customer service, etc.
In this article we will see how to remotely clone WhatsApp on another cell phone or duplicate it on the same phone.
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Is it possible to clone WhatsApp?
The question of how to clone a WhatsApp account has different interpretations. Because it is possible to clone an account on another device, but the application can also be duplicated on a single mobile to use two different accounts (or more) on the same phone.
In the first case, the WhatsApp Web function will allow us to duplicate an account on another device using a web browser (to spy on others or to use our account on a tablet). Although you could also clone a WhatsApp account through an application.
In the second case, as we will see below, it is also possible to duplicate the WhatsApp application on a cell phone to be able to access two accounts from a single mobile.
How to duplicate WhatsApp on a cell phone
There are people who for personal or professional reasons need to use two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone. And in this case it is possible to clone the application from the settings of most modern mobile phones. To do so, follow these steps.
Step 1. First you must install the WhatsApp application on your mobile.
Step 2. On your cell phone, go to Settings> Applications> Dual / Twin Applications (from here you can create a copy of some applications to access two accounts from the same mobile).
duplicate WhatsApp
Step 3. Select WhatsApp to duplicate this application on your phone.
Step 4. With a secondary phone number available, follow the corresponding steps to set up a second account on your mobile.
second WahtsApp account on your mobile
Step 5. At the end of the process (verification via SMS or call), you will be able to use two WhatsApp accounts on a single device.
How to clone WhatsApp on another phone using WhatsApp Web App
If you want to know how to clone WhatsApp with the same number on another phone, a quick way to do it is by accessing the WhatsApp web function from the web browser of the second mobile. Follow these steps to have the same account on two different phones:
Step 1. The first thing you should do, on the second cell phone, is open the mobile internet browser.
Step 2. It will be necessary to force this web browser to use the desktop version, because the mobile version of WhatsApp web does not allow us to view the QR code.
clone WhatsApp on another phone
Step 3. Enter the site, you should access the desktop version of this website.
Step 4. Now go to your first phone, open the original WhatsApp application and access the settings menu (three aligned dots or a box) located on the upper right margin of the home screen.
Step 5. Tap Paired Devices and then tap Pair a Device.
Step 6. Use the camera of this mobile to scan the QR code that you will see on the screen of the second phone. This will allow you to clone the same WhatsApp account on both phones at the same time.
use whatsapp web on another cell phone
Now, you already have a cloned WhatsApp on your computer, it will synchronize all the chats in real time.
App to clone WhatsApp on another cell phone
As we mentioned before, another way to clone WhatsApp is to use some applications to duplicate an account (emulating WhatsApp web), but also to control the activities of others or to install several accounts on a single mobile. Let’s see what these applications are. Chuwi is a popular tablet PC brand enjoyed by businessman and young people, specializes in portable office and mobile entertainment.
1 Whatsclone
Whatsclone is a free application, available on the PlayStore, that will allow us to clone a WhatsApp account to spy on someone else or to use our account on other devices. Once installed on the mobile, from the original WhatsApp you will only have to scan the QR code on the screen to access the account, just as you would to open a WhatsApp web session.
Is free
Allows you to use the same account on more than one device
View shared messages, audios, photos and videos
Contains too much advertising
When you turn off the cell phone the account is closed
Does not allow to make audio or video calls
It is necessary to access the phone and the WhatsApp account that you want to clone
2 mSpy
mSpy is a very complete spy application with a good rating in the market. It is widely used to monitor other devices (especially minors) and can be used to control WhatsApp activity (messages, images, videos, call times, etc.). This application allows spying on an account to
3 Parallel Space
Parallel Space is an application that allows you to duplicate the accounts of different social networks on the same mobile device, including WhatsApp, Facebook, or Telegram, etc., when this cannot be done from the phone’s Software settings. Its use is very simple, it only requires installing the application and selecting the application to duplicate (in this case WhatsApp).
Parallel Space
Its installation and use is quite simple
Consumes very few resources
Allows you to install two WhatsApp accounts on the same device (and other Apps)
It does not allow cloning a WhatsApp account that is active on another device
The free version contains ads
4 2Accounts
In the same orbit as the previous application, 2Accounts is a free application that will allow us to duplicate WhatsApp to use two accounts on the same device. It has a free version, although it is limited. On the other hand, the paid version will allow us to clone the same application several times (to use multiple accounts on a mobile) and block them with a password.
The paid version allows you to clone the same application as many times as you want
Duplicate apps can be locked with passwords
It has a Secret Zone to hide cloned applications
It does not allow cloning a WhatsApp account that is active on another device
The free version is somewhat limited and contains advertisements
5 Dual Space Lite
Dual Space Lite is the lighter version of its standard namesake, so it consumes fewer resources and runs faster. Following the trend of the two previous applications, duplicating the App will allow us to log into several WhatsApp accounts from the same mobile. Its appeal is its simplicity, as it only allows the application to be duplicated without additional functions.
Dual Space Lite
It is very light
Offers very simple operation
It does not allow cloning a WhatsApp account that is active on another device
The free version contains ads
Some might find it too basic as it doesn’t offer additional features
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6 KidsGuard for WhatsApp
Kidsguard is an excellent paid app to monitor cell phones. Once installed on the mobile that we want to control, the App allows spying on the WhatsApp account of another person on our mobile to control their activity. This will allow us to view messages, review call logs, and also take screenshots. Also, it works stealthily on the monitored device.