The legislation establishes compulsory specifications for measuring tools, devices, and appliances designed to determine measurements in order to ensure the uniformity of measures on the territory of Russia.
A mandatory PAC certificate, which is also called metrological, must be obtained for tools to be applied in state supervision and control of measurements. The verifying papers of this type are handed out by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology. Such routine is compulsory for measuring equipment designed to be applied when carrying out government supervisory procedures or medical and veterinary treatments, safety operations, and others:
- implementation of environmental protection measures;
- implementation of safety activities in emergencies;
- activities to ensure the safety of health and safety at work;
- implementation of industrial monitoring for adherence to production safety legislation regarding the operation of hazardous production facilities;
- carrying out trade and exchange operations, execution of activities related to the packing of goods;
- fulfillment of the state accounting procedures;
- postal services and accounting of the scope of communication-related services delivered by operators;
- implementation of national defense and safety activities;
- implementation of surveying and mapping operations;
- conducting hydrometeorological operations.
Tests and evaluation procedures completed successfully are the basis for issuing a PAC certificate. It is prepared by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and validates that the apparatus:
- has been technically and metrologically inspected and complies with the specified guidelines;
- has been registered in the official government registry;
- is allowed to be applied on the territory of the Russian Federation as a measuring tool.
The technical description is attached to the metrological certificate, detailing the characteristics of the device: name, operational parameters, information on the area where it may be used, the principle of operation, a number of modifications, etc.
The verification of measuring devices’ compliance with the regulatory specifications is implemented by the state-certified testing centers. The applicant has to present a documentation set containing the application form, technical specifications, and any other relevant documentation covering all details concerning the appliance, for the state test centers to conclude about the suitability of the instrument to be tested.