As one of the fundamentals to higher level gameplay in Rocket League, understanding and learning aerials is something that all players must work towards at some point in their rocket league lifetime. While some might try to learn it over time through just game time alone, you have taken the faster route which is to watch a quick tutorial to help you get a head start over the rest of the competition.
In this guide, RocketPrices.Com, you reliable Rocket League item store is going to cover the process of first learning the aerial, then moving towards getting better with fast aerials, and finishing off with a way that you can continue to train your aerial abilities to develop full control over your car in the air.
Basic Aerial Control
Step 1 – Starting off with the basics, if you are brand new to aerials the easiest way is to head into free play: In India, 9winz com is one of the leading online casinos. More than 300 games from the world’s software providers are waiting for players.
- Jump
- Tilt your car backwards
- Hold boost until you hit the ceiling
Congrats, you’ve done a basic aerial, granted there was no control and you probably could have figured that one out all for yourselves, but that is step number one.
Step 2 – Learning the best way to control this movement and to do that we need to go over feathering boost.
Feathering boost is the action of tapping the boost button while you’re in the air instead of just holding it down, this allows you to maintain your height and momentum without using all of your boost, a simple way to show this is by going from one end of the field to the other while trying to hit the crossbar. If you do this while holding down the boost button you will only just get there, whereas if you do this while feathering the boost button not only will he be able to get there but you will also have boosts left over afterwards. When you take this feathering technique into your basic aerial, you will find that you are saving boost each and every time you’re going up for it and allowing yourself to be safe through the recovery with this additional boost. The way to train this is to very simply head into free play in Rocket League:
- Jump
- Tilt back boost for a little bit to get your car into the air
- Tap the boost button every now
- Keep your car in the air and controlled
This takes a little bit of time to get used to but try to make your way around the field keeping your height and staying in control of your car the entire time this is the basics to an aerial.
Fast Aerial Control
There are some times where you aren’t looking to feather your boost in Rocket League, times where you want to get to the ball as fast as you can in order to beat an opponent to that ball, and so this is where the fast aerial comes in.
If you find yourself always second in the ball or just getting beat in the air in general you will want to learn the fast aerial. The whole point of the fast aerial is that you get your car in the air as fast as you can, the two main factors that you can measure your success by are when you are:
- Obviously moving towards the ball faster, this can take an opponent out of the game if you beat them to the ball and so it works on both the offensive and defensive side
- When you are making the decision quickly, it is essential to be quick in your decision, the second you know you’re in a good position to go for a useful aerial hit, then you should be going for it without any hesitation over time, this will also become more natural for you.
Get Better With Fast Aerials
- In order to learn the fast aerial you want to be chaining your jumps while tilting backwards and boosting all at the same time. If you jump while tilting your car backwards you might find yourself back flipping, so you want to get your timing down right, but don’t worry, it’s actually way easier than you think.
- In order to stop yourself from backflipping, you need to hold your analog stick down before you’ve even jumped, this way when you jump your car will instantly tilt backwards and you won’t have to worry about accidentally backflipping when you jump the second time, as you will no longer need to hold down the analog stick when you chain that second jump.
Now you mix this with boosting throughout the entire time and you will take off into the air as quickly as you can, so hold down the analog stick, jump and boost at the same time, then your car should instantly tilt upwards and allow you to hit jump a second time, practice this over and over again and try to be as precise as you can with your movement. You want to line up before you take off, so you don’t have to readjust mid. If you can make the moment you leave the ground to the moment, you make contact with the ball as simple as possible without any need to turn or readjust your car, you’re going to be much more consistent in the air and much faster to the ball. By the way, if you want to collect LTD cars in the game, buy Rocket League credits from to get them could be the most cost-saving way.
We are sure you are well aware that a lot of people spin in the air and air roll, and keep control of the car to a level that looks absolutely insane. While it might look impossible, it is just another skill to train and with a small training routine we are about to give you now, you can develop incredible control over your car no matter what rank you are:
Starting off you need to look at your air roll bindings:
You can get by with just air roll or just the directional left and right buttons, but our recommendation is to have normal air roll and then at least one directional air roll bound.
Train Your Aerial Abilities to Develop Full Control Over Your Car in Air
We are sure you are well aware that a lot of people spin in the air and air roll, and keep control of the car to a level that looks absolutely insane. While it might look impossible, it is just another skill to train and with a small training routine we are about to give you now, you can develop incredible control over your car no matter what rank you are:
Starting off you need to look at your air roll bindings:
You can get by with just air roll or just the directional left and right buttons, but our recommendation is to have normal air roll and then at least one directional air roll bound.
Firstly when learning to improve your car control, you need to just focus on the aerial movements by themselves, for this we want you to go from one side of the field to the other side, just hovering and spinning while trying to keep control of the car the entire time, seems really simple but it’s going to teach you very quickly that this is going to be something you have to put time into learning, because it comes down to learning muscle memory.
So spin one way and then go back down the field spinning the other way ,get as comfortable as you can going both ways because if you don’t learn that now, you will neglect it later on and end up who can only really normal arrow to the left.
Anyway, once you do this you want to do the same with your directional air roll:
- Go up and down the field trying to keep your car in the air and in control, this should be done over and over again for about five minutes in a normal warm-up routine.
- Next you want to go from gold to gold constantly spinning and keeping control of your car while trying to hit the crossbar, you go straight down the field trying to hit the crossbar then you send your car out in one direction and try to air roll it back to hitting the middle of the crossbar, and then you send out the other direction. The key to these training routines is that they are not difficult to execute but the difficulty comes from how hard you push yourself to keep yourself spinning, many people will spin a little bit lose control and just try to salvage the car by flying without spinning the rest of the way, If you fail to keep control of your car, it means you have a way to go, don’t go easy on yourself just because you can’t do it now. Force yourselves to not only work through the mistakes but to also let them happen and embrace them.
- Lastly you go from goal to goal constantly spinning, but this time try to land the car so the wheels land cleanly on the roof of the goal upon entry, this is tricky if you’re just starting out. The point of this last exercise over the other two is to train the minute adjustments, because all the spinning in the middle of the field is the exact same, but what counts is the final movements to make sure that landing is clean, this comes into play when you’re looking at things like clean landings on the wall or the ground for those quick recoveries.
The point of spinning is you spin for control, if you can air roll to get your car in the perfect position before connecting with the ball, you allow yourself the most optimal touch for the situation, this comes into play when you can’t line up properly beforehand when you’re on the ground or if you’re looking to make those mid-air adjustments.
You don’t need to air roll all the time as long as you are air rolling at the right times, make sure you understand enough of the mechanic to give yourself a solid recovery, and allow yourself to reposition mid-flight and you will be much better off in the air. As you get better with air rolling, you’re going to feel much more comfortable in the air.