If you are looking forward to continuing your university education, then try to do that at the top university in the world. If you don’t know about the top ones, you should read this article. However, for more facts and news for your homework purposes, you must not ask others to do my trigonometry homework for me. Just do it yourself and research in here.
Best Universities in the World
These are the best and prestigious universities in the world:
1. Stanford University
According to recent University Ranking reports, it is the top university in the world. This university was opened in 1891, and many successful students have studied here. However, it is located in Stanford, CA. On the other hand, it has more than 15,157 students, and this university has 2,279 faculty with an excellent education system and teachers.
2. Harvard University
It is also one of the top universities in the world. This university was founded in 1636, which is 386 years ago. However, this university is the home to many well-known personalities and scientists. It has over 12,218 students and 2,400 faculty members. At the same time, it is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.
3. University of Oxford
It is also one of the most outstanding universities in the world. And, honestly, who didn’t even hear the name of this university? This university is the institution where many well-known figures, scientists, and other personalities have studied. This university was established in 1096, which is 926 years ago. It has 24,515 students and 6,995 academic staff. It is located in Oxford, England, UK.
4. MIT
MIT is the top and best engineering institute in the world. This university has the top and best education system and well-known teachers. However, this university was established in 1861, 160 years ago. This university has 11,934 students and 1,074 academic staff. At the same time, this university is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.
5. University of Cambridge
It is also one of the best and most outstanding universities in the world. That is because this university was the home of most scientists who have contributed a lot to science and literature. This university was founded in 1209, which is 813 years ago. It has more than 24,450 students and 6,170 academic staff. It is located in Cambridge, England.
6. California Institute of Technology
It is also one of the best and great universities on the list of top universities globally. Now, this university is also the home of many well-known personalities. Besides, this university has a great ranking. It was founded in 1891, which is 130 years ago. This university has more than 2,233 students and 300 academic staff who are highly professional. Besides, this university has an advance and excellent education system and environment. It is located in Pasadena, California, US.
These are the top and most outstanding universities in the world. Those universities are top in the university rankings list and have an advanced education system.