Piles are considered one of the most important elements of home and building construction work บริษัทรับสร้างบ้าน by acting as an intermediary. to transfer the weight of the building onto the ground By transferring the weight from the roof, floor, beams, columns, piers and foundations. down to the soil layer in order
There are two types of weight transfer of piles: short piles or piles that are loaded by friction. This type of pile will transfer the weight of the building รับสร้างบ้าน to the soil layer by using friction to help support the weight. and long piles are piles that transfer the weight of the building through the soft soil layer to the hard soil layer to support the pile load directly
Classification of piles according to the form of construction
Driven Pile
is to use a crane to drive piles into the soil until the desired depth is reached. It is the most popular method due to its simple construction method and low cost. But at present there are construction problems in the area. with surrounding buildings Due to the tremors in the hammering and the movement of the soil replaced by piles Since piling is often done by contractors who are not engineers, there is a risk of error. The hammering control should be carried out by the engineer responsible for the project to be appropriate according to safety standards.
Bored Pile
It is a pile that is constructed by casting concrete into the soil that has been pre-drilled to fill. It is a construction method that solves the problems encountered by the use of piles. including moving piles into the construction area Disturbances to surrounding buildings due to hammering vibrations including position control and the line of the pile Drilling may be done by a dry process, which is drilling without water assistance in the event that the soil next to the borehole is stable. Most are small bored piles (Small Diameter Bored Pile) with diameters in the range of 35-60 cm (most are diameters 35, 40, 50, 60 cm) with a depth in the range of about 18- 23 meters
But if the soil next to the drill hole collapses It is necessary to add water mixed with bentonite or polymer into the hole to help support the soil next to the hole. Called the wet process (Wet Process), most of them are large bored piles (Large Diameter Bored Pile) with a diameter of more than 60 centimeters (most are diameter 80, 100, 120, 150 centimeters) with a depth. in the range of about 25-65 meters
Drilling in the soil can be done in a variety of ways, including Rotary Type, Excavation Type and Percussion Type, which is the easiest method. Suitable for small construction in tight spaces. The quality control of construction has an important part. Determination of the location of the piles Controlling the drilling direction for verticality, cleanliness and tidiness of the borehole installation of reinforcing steel and pouring concrete If the construction of bored piles is done by a good and experienced company The company’s engineers will effectively supervise the quality of bored piles.
Auger Press Pile
It is the use of prefabricated piles. Install by drilling the soil into a hole slightly smaller than the pile size and pressing the pile into the hole. This is a solution to the vibration problem. and movement of soil This method can use hammering instead of pressing, which in addition to reducing vibration problems. and the movement of soil It also helps in cases where the piles must be driven through a very strong soil layer. Therefore, the centrifugal force of circular piles with a hollow in the center is commonly used. while pressing the pile into it The drill bit inserted in the pile hole will rotate. to bring up the soil When the pile is pressed and the soil is drilled until the pile sinks near the desired level, it stops pressing. Pull out the drill bit and hammer it with a pendulum until the desired level is reached.
classification by material and the main components of the pile
Timber Pile
It is a pile that is easy to find, lightweight, cheap and easy to transport. but has a relatively low weight capacity therefore need to be hammered into groups resulting in a large foundation It should be hammered below the groundwater level to prevent corrosion from termites and fungi. Currently, pine piles are commonly used. and eucalyptus In the market, the diameter is in inches and the length is in meters. Suitable for use with small buildings.
Reinforced Concrete Pile
It is a casting pile in the factory. that must be designed to be sufficiently longitudinally reinforced to obtain the bending moment from moving and hammering. Currently, it is not very popular because it is not economical. Therefore, prestressed concrete needles are commonly used instead.
Prestressed Concrete Pile
It is a pile that is based on the technique of pulling the tensile wire and pouring concrete into the form. When the concrete is hardened, the tensile wire is cut. thus causing compression in the pile This reduces the problem of pile cracking better than other types. The type of piles of this type that are very popular to use is
Pre-stressed centrifugal piles, commonly known as spun piles. It is a special type of prestressed concrete pile produced by using the process of spinning concrete in the formwork which rotates at high speed. This makes the concrete have a higher density than the concrete cast by conventional methods. is therefore highly durable can carry a lot of weight Spun piles look like round columns. The hollow center is often used as an Auger press pile.
cast-in-place concrete piles
commonly known as bored piles It is a pile focusing to minimize the impact on neighboring buildings from vibration. can do more depth than pile drive and can control the position better but has a higher price in the case of the same weight
Steel Pile
It is a pile made of steel. It has the ability to carry higher weight than concrete and wood piles, but is expensive. At present, there is a technology for anti-rust coating that penetrates into the steel. fast installation no sound effect Low vibration, easy to withdraw and move. It is commonly used for temporary structures that require heavy loads but need to be dismantled later.
Composite Pile
is a pile consisting of two materials in the same tree. The important point of this type of pile is that the joint must be strong, durable and able to transfer weight from the top to the bottom as well.
Precautions for use
In some types of pile foundation work, such as piling piles, it may cause noise pollution. and the vibration from hammering This may affect the lifestyle of the people who live around them. including the neighboring buildings that may be damaged Therefore, in the operation of the Samkhem Foundation There should be good preventive measures. and operate strictly according to engineering principles and laws