An elephant’s head and a human’s body; what could be more unique than this description of Lord Ganesha? When people imagine a Ganesh sculpture, they don’t look beyond the anatomy. However, creating an impressive Ganesh statue is much more than creating a beautifully carved elephant head with an elegant trunk.
Learning About Lord Ganesha
What makes a Ganesh statue unique are the different elements which go into it. From crystal sculptures to environment-friendly ones, you will find many options when selecting a Ganesh sculpture. However, remember that each sculpture has a different meaning, and it is crucial to understand what its various aspects signify.
Broken Tusk
Elephants have two tusks, so why does an authentic Ganesh idol have only one? Well, for this, you would need to delve into Hindu mythology a bit. If you’re familiar with Mahabharata, an important Hindu epic, you may or may not be surprised to learn that Lord Ganesha was the one to jot it down. While Lord Ganesha penned the epic down, it was sage Vyasa who narrated it to him.
While writing the epic down, Lord Ganesha’s writing instrument broke, and as he had promised the sage that he would jot down the poem without stopping, Lord Ganesha broke off his tusk to continue writing the epic. This is what is true dedication and what is taught by his statues.
A Sweet Tooth
Lord Ganesha is known for his love of sweets; hence, in pictures or most sculptures, you will always find a plate of sweets near him. Usually, the sweets depicted are laddoos, which are said to be his favorite sweets. Lord Ganesha is known for eating a plateful at once, and hence, people always bring this sweet with them when they worship Lord Ganesha. It is symbolic of his idols at home, too.
Travels on a Mouse
All Hindu deities have a special chariot or vehicle in the form of an animal. For Lord Ganesha, this is a mouse, which can be seen in many pictures and statues. Now, most people are surprised to see the mouse used as a vehicle as bigger options are available. However, there are interesting reasons for this choice.
First, a mouse is relatively swift and can reach every nook and cranny of the world. Thus, as the destroyer of obstacles, Lord Ganesha needs to reach every part of the world, making the mouse a perfect choice for him.
Lord Ganesha is also the lord of prosperity, and in ancient times, farming was the major source of sustenance for most people. Rodents like rats were the biggest obstacles to prosperity. Hence, Lord Ganesha striding a rodent signifies him conquering this pest and bringing prosperity to all.
His Elephant Head
Everyone knows that Lord Ganesha has an elephant’s head, but most people rarely know the meaning. While most are aware of the story of Lord Shiva beheading his son in anger and replacing it with an elephant head, later on, they don’t know what it means.
The elephant head signifies that Lord Ganesha has the wisdom, compassion, and loyalty that elephants portray, and thanks to his large ears, Lord Ganesha can hear the pleas of all those who worship him. Hence, having an elephant’s head truly makes him special.
Lord Ganesha is a well-known and highly worshipped Hindu deity around the world. Known to bring good luck, prosperity, and peace of mind, finding a Ganesh sculpture around you is not uncommon.
When you learn more about Lord Ganesha, you can look at these sculptures in a different light and understand what the various aspects of the sculptures signify before buying one for your home. Please choose a suitable material, posture, and size of the statue, depending on where you wish to keep it.