Historically, gambling was considered unsuitable entertainment for women. Especially in the nineteenth century, respectable ladies were not allowed into establishments where there is gambling. But, social norms were changing and women also began to try their hand at various gambling entertainments.
Now the number of gambling fans is growing exponentially every year. Moreover, both boys and girls become clients of the casino. Someone perceives the game simply as entertainment, allowing you to spend time interestingly, enjoy the excitement and get adrenaline. But, for sure, everyone is counting on getting a big win.
Many gamblers stopped visiting land-based slot halls and switched to portals with slot machines and other gambling games. This is explained by the fact that you can play online casinos at any convenient time without leaving your home. Modern sites are well-developed functionality, rich, active play, high-quality service.
It would seem that under such comfortable conditions there is no difference between who plays, a man or a woman, the main thing is to choose the right strategy and victory in your pocket. Even though slot machines are not able to determine the gender of a player, according to some studies, they are more favorable to the fair sex.
Why are ladies lucky?
Smart Live Gaming Research Center has done a great job to determine who wins at casinos more often: girls or boys. The results showed that the ladies are more fortunate and win 9% more often. What is the reason for this? There are several reasons:
- Approach to the gameplay. Women are more likely to play video slots, lottery, or bingo. Men like more intelligent games like poker. As a result, girls win more often, since all they have to do is place a bet and start the machine. Guys think over a strategy, take risks and lose in case of a mistake.
- Frequency of change of entertainment. Men choose one game and play it for a long time, trying to get a bigger amount. Women, after sitting a little at one machine, move on to another, third. Changing slots frequently increases the odds and winning percentage significantly.
- Features of temperament. Representatives of the stronger sex play more aggressively than ladies. Men are driven by the desire to win more, while women enjoy the gameplay and atmosphere.
Gender stereotypes
Several gender stereotypes try to explain the luck of the ladies in the casino. It is believed that female intuition helps girls, which is better developed than that of men, but there is no scientific evidence for this. Also, the advantage is attributed to female cunning, supposedly ladies know how to bluff better, but this is also not an explanation, especially when you consider that women also win more often in online establishments.
The conclusions are clear, girls are luckier at casinos than guys. Moreover, regardless of the format of the game, online or offline. This does not mean that men need to give up gambling, and all women need to register at a casino. Gambling entertainment is, first of all, the pleasure that the gaming process gives. Choose a reliable platform, practice in the demo to think over the right strategy and everything will work out!